One Year and a Day!


Has it really been a year?! It seems like moments ago we welcomed our magical daughter into the world. Yesterday, Juniper turned one! What a wild week its been?! We have been out of school and mostly homebound. Hurricane Sandy wrecked havoc on the east coast. The election is days away and many have power. We were blessed to have power and even have a chance to trick-or-treat. Gas lines have been horrendous and power lines and trees have fallen in many places. Such is the scene of Juniper’s first b-day. We did however make a trip to the Stepping Stones Musuem. Cyrus helped us open Juniper’s birthday gifts and even play with them a great deal. While he has his jealous moments he remains an amazing kid. Can’t wait to celebrate his fourth birthday?! Recently submitted my second book and Shira and I celebrated our ninth anniversary!?

November 4, 2012. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.